Monday, July 8, 2013


Some years ago when I moved to Maui, the Time Share Industry was charging around $5,000 to $15,000 per week vacation in Paradise. Now with the advent of the high-end hotels, like the Marriott and the Westin and the Hyatt, the prices are in the $100,000. Not only that, but the system has gotten so sophisticated that the new owners are getting points and other incentives to sign-up. And they are. On the other hand, the Maui Real Estate, the prices have gone up one more time, and sales are almost again looking like the early 2,000's. Of course most sales are done in the condo section. An average of $500,000 and up and that is not including the Monthly Maintenance Fees in average of $600. You figure it out.

We live in a world today, in which Total Net Assets is approximately $200 trillion Dollars, of which
$40 trillion are executed, borrowed and invested in government debt, around $60 trillion is in loans to multiple entities and about $40 trillion is corporate debt. Most of this debt is owned to the World Bank and all its subsidiaries the Central banks. All this is owned by the "elite trillionaires". I don't want to mention any names. If you don't know by now, who they are, you have a lived in a make believe world of your own. If you take inflation into the equation, most investors will loose billions. In the equity market or fixed income securities the withdrawals have reached and all time high. Hedge Funds(public pension plans) will again take another beating as they did in the past.

So who has all the money? Cash money is useless as an investment. Only the poor working class believe that their paper money is an asset. In fact with it,  they can purchase staples and pay their bills. Credit cards are also part of their resource to maintain the standard of living sustainability.
Although credit card consumer has decreased, it is still a problem.

The World Bank and its subsidiaries have all the money and is invested in commodities, natural resources and world Hard-Assets. Their investment are all over the world. And the world governments leaders are their partners. It is the "elite government" that elects everyone to their  provisional governments. You are their slaves. The working poor.

So, everyone is indebted to the "elite autocracy". Will it change? Not really. It did not change in the past history of man and it will not change today. So, what will happen next? All governments and its citizens are in debt and the monetary tightening and debt obligations are choking everyone to death. Maybe Quantitative Easing is a social benefit from the elite, to the government, and then to its people. But is not the answer. Printing paper money devalues the dollar and the world deals are all executed in dollars. Another currency? Invented by who? and control by who?

The pattern is recurrent, insolvent and illogical. An Egalitarian Economy could be the answer. But the elites will make sure that,  that will not happened. They have always succeeded in past transitions That is the reason why they are killing the middle class. Although, the middle class will grow in the BRIC countries. Contrary to ours.

This is what I think. We are in a termination period of dealing with "fiat currency". The rich already stole every cent they could from the slaves and invested it in Hard Assets. The slaves will have to resort to Trade and Barter with the rich and themselves. Money will become obsolete. Governments will pay for all social services, including food and shelter and communities will have to become organic sustainable producers. If you don't believe me, just think about the 17 trillion dollars National Debt. Still going up and the fact that just the interest is killing the USA. I am sure you know who we owe this money too.

The world population is at 7 billion right now and with the approximate numbers that I gave you at the start of this discussion, everyone is already in debt even before they were born. World economics will change in automatic succession, exactly the way is changing right now as I write, and no one, even the elites will be able to control this change. The only obsolete is CHANGE.

Be prepared for an upcoming change in our planet earth, with  natural disasters(common in planetary evolution),  the termination of our antiquated belief systems and all that education and indoctrination that  we were taught  by those who controlled us the " elite autocratic system"

Respectfully Submitted


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