Friday, June 25, 2010


06/25/10 Maui Hawaii USA

Most recently the New York Times have published several articles dealing with financing, banking, economic foes, interest rates, the volcker rule, real estate sales depression and sustainable capitalism. Do all these topics sound familiar? It appears to me, that the similarity of their contents go way back to 1 A.D. Needless to say, the principles of human behaviour need to be controlled by ourselves, it has been stated by the "intellectuals" in every generation and even by some "religious gurus". No matter what, we are here in this "bubble" not to benefit ourselves but to do it for the benefit of all. What a commendable spirit did the "founder fathers" have. Men with integrity, loyalty, moral values etc.etc. Each new generation, gets impacted by the decisions of the so called "capital elites", the major difference today is that the whole planet is inversely correlated to all the existing economies; what happens today is reflected and affecting the international finance systems of the world, the stocks, the credit markets, the currencies, the commodities etc.etc. Economic Behaviour Modification, is essential today in order to change the direction that the human financial spectrum is heading to. Since Capitalism, money, is the essence of sustainbility worlwide, the banks need to spread-out the wealth, rather than getting bailed-out for ludicrous investing mistakes, which were definitely a risk. Basic principle "don't spend it all in one place and invest in fractional increments". In forty(40) years I have seen the dollar amounts go from millions, to billions and now trillions. If we do not get intelligent and acquire some wisdom from previous mistakes it will be a new quantum, quatrillion. How much more inflation do we need? By the way I did not mean "quattuordecillion". Thank you.

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